Google is getting better every day at recognizing—and rewarding—high-quality content. As defined by Google and humans, valuable content is useful, informative, better than other content on the same topic, credible, original, and engaging. The search engines are always trying to improve the quality of their results and because of this, the ranking signals are adjusted daily. In most cases these are very minor tweaks, but they are changes nonetheless. Make sure that your website is structured in a way that is friendly to search engines. If it’s tough for a search engine to crawl your site and index everything properly, you won’t get the SEO love that you deserve. In most cases, it's not the technical issues themselves that are hurting your SEO efforts, but the results that are caused by the errors they create.

Make keywords more natural

With the vastly reduced price of international communication and shipping, a logical next step is to launch a multilingual website. You can hire good writers, but that is often an expensive proposition. You may be under the impression that it will take an extensive amount of time to create enough content to make a difference or to start appearing in the search results. Just breathe. Even the creation of one blog post a week will reap you 52 posts over the period of a year. In a Searchmetrics 2016 study into ranking factors, there was an “extremely high” correlation between social signals and Google rankings. However, this couldn’t be accredited to the algorithm, but rather to the “overlap between brand websites performing strongly in social networks and being allocated top positions by Google.” Google uses what’s called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) when crawling a website, scanning your copy not just for the keyword but for keywords that are commonly related to it.

Establish yourself as the subject matter expert and authority about your business

Link building has always been an important aspect of local SEO. It is only through links that search engines crawl your website. Getting links from authoritative domains and local resources (local newspapers, publications, magazines etc) would work wonders for your business. I am the last one to tell a website owner that his job is to become the local SEO or usability expert. That would be unrealistic. Why should a constructor learn SEO? He should not. Figure out how you want to be known, and how you'd like to be found online. Include related keywords but make sure the writing isn't just about keywords. Then, write with a voice that's recognizable and consistent. Optimizing for user intent is not just about providing solutions or using synonyms. The majority of SEO campaigns are built around driving revenue and whilst rankings are great and indicative of campaign success, in reality you won’t retain clients without providing ROI.

Setup Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools

A social media following shows that the website has an audience who want to hear more. The website you are targeting would want to share their new posts to their audience on social media, promoting your website at the same time. What’s more is that if you’re in the same niche as the website, their audience are more likely to enjoy your content and start following you too. In the end, the users, the marketplace, content and links will determine the popularity and ranking numbers. As we know Google’s algorithm updates primarily focus on devaluing links that aren’t relevant. The added advantage to local link building is that these kind of links are almost always relevant. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "The key is to use SEO and content marketing together. Yes, SEO requires a lot of content, but that doesn’t mean you should pin all your hopes on that single aspect of online marketing. We want to come at this from all angles."

Use Strong, Active Wording

When you add a new page to your website under the blog section, for example, you add a ‘slug’ onto the end of the URL structure that is already in place. The slug refers to the next few words that relate to your new page Make sure that your code is valid, in some instances bad code can lead to search engines not being able to properly read a page. Use the W3C validator to check your markup. How powerful is your domain name? How well does it rank in those all-important search engines? The measure of your domain name’s power is called “domain authority,” and it depends on three general factors: size, age, and popularity. The secret to building a blog that gets crazy backlinks, ranks for awesome keywords and makes you money on autopilot?