Basically a search engine searches the web using automated programs called web crawlers. The crawlers follow links from page to page, they then send a copy of each page back to the search engine, which then builds an index of the words on each page. Remember that your success in SEO is directly proportional to the amount of effort you exert. Links found within the main body text of a webpage is more valuable than links found in separate plugins or widgets found elsewhere on the page. According to Industry thought leaders, that there are numerous ways in which poor internal linking can degrade the ability of search engines to index your web pages. These include linking to pages that can’t be accessed without filling in a form and even linking to content using JavaScript or Flash.

Identify who are the main influencers in your industry

The intro of the article should be short, focused, and to the point. This will help the reader prepare for what they are going to learn from reading the article. SEO results are only keenly felt long-term, and therefore it can be difficult for small business owners to see the value in taking time out of their day to write about their industry. Creating evergreen content is as simple as staying away from topics that no one will care about in the foreseeable future, and focusing on keyword research. One of the most common problems for webmasters who run both mobile and desktop versions of a site is that the mobile version of the site appears for users on a desktop computer, or that the desktop version of the site appears when someone accesses it on a mobile device.

Watch your grammar and spelling

It’s OK to do promotion to tell people about your content, but if you can only get links by offering money to people or other big incentives, then you’re likely doing it wrong. One of the best ways to get links is to publish original research. That’s not that hard to do. Find out a question that people have in your industry and then do something to answer that question with data. To “optimize” for a mobile-first index, make sure that what you serve to mobile users is the version of the content you’d want Google to index, not a pared down version, or a version that gets updated later than desktop, or version that redirects to the mobile homepage. It is widely understood in the industry that search engine optimization should be built in, as early as possible, to the entire site development strategy, from choosing a content management system (CMS) and planning site architecture to developing on-page content. Ranking high on search engines relies on a variety of different factors, including the quality of the content you write. As you use content to deliver keywords and reach audiences, you’ll rank higher in search engines and increase authority with your site visitors.

Offer relevant, useful and original content

Keyword research is still useful for example but we now know that Google doesn ’t want us to overly stuff our website with those search terms. Instead, the recommendation hovers at around 1-2% keyword density. If you write a long article and include the search term a few times, then that should be enough as long as it’s also in your code a little, or in your file name. It is not known how many users out there use the Google Toolbar, but the authors believe that they number in the millions. Google can track the entire web surfing behavior of these users. A great way to boost your site’s search visibility is to have a blog. Search engines are constantly scanning for content that is well-written, original, relevant and up-to-date and a blog post can tick all these boxes. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Prove that you are trustworthy by connecting as closely as possible to high authority sites. Use structured data to further explain your topics."

Avoid duplicate content

Hopefully your website is laid out in a way that allows users to easily find the content or pages that you want to promote. Competitor Analysis can help you to identify links, ads and other tools which are working well on other websites. Then, if similar stuff will have equally positive results on your own website, you don’t have to go very far to find inspiration and create your own content. It won’t always work for you if it works for them, but it just might. A variety of studies support the idea that Google incorporate social signals when ranking a webpage. Well, ours is an imperfect world, and, as you might have heard, some self-proclaimed SEO “experts” scheme to trick search engines and inflate their rankings using black-hat, unethical methods, and in the times before the nofollow attribute, link-building was an easy way to artificially boost page rankings.