A search result with a high CTR can often be given a boost by Google because it’s seen as attractive and relevant. You can increase your CTR by giving your page a custom meta description. This can be done from the page’s HTML or if you’re using WordPress, you could use a plugin like Yoast SEO to do this. Another one of the best SEO tactics creates even more links to your site to improve your SEO. Local SEO practices and building profiles on business directories can build online authority for your brand and make a bigger digital footprint for your website. Many people still think that having a high volume of crawlable and indexable pages is always better. A focus on the formatting of your page can facilitate the crawling for search engines, while it also enhances the readability for your readers.

Take some action to bolster your SEO efforts

Google will bring people to your website, but engagement can help return visitors and for instance sales promotions. Having a news section on your site is a really good idea. It gives you the opportunity to fit in lots of keywords and it means you are regularly updating your website (which the search engines look favourably on). Having a blog on your site is good for the same reasons; plus if you are focusing on specific keywords you can write a post around them. The authority of the website or webpage linking to your site is also key. A few high authority links are far more valuable then many from low quality sites. Website Optimization is important for making users feel comfortable while using your website, as well as collecting information from those users to further your advertising goals.

User Experience and SEO

Understanding and recognizing how PageRank flows can make a difference in your SEO campaigns. The difference in many cases will be small, but in a competitive environment, every advantage counts. How powerful is your domain name? How well does it rank in those all-important search engines? The measure of your domain name’s power is called “domain authority,” and it depends on three general factors: size, age, and popularity. Being on Yahoo or Google’s front page for your respective niche is the ultimate goal of every site. This can be a very competitive market to break into. Ensure your website is crawlable with the site:yourdomain.com search. Note the number of results.

Validate your site’s HTML and CSS

Create serious value by developing really well targeted 'content hubs,' or pieces of content that are highly engaging and serve a serious need that customers like yours need help with. While it’s easy to find “experts” you may want to reach out to, it’s important to remember that not everyone responds positively to such requests. Without discounting the value of links and traffic, content is most likely the key element of a website's charisma. Good content will lead to links and traffic. Gaz Hall, an SEO Expert from the UK, said: "Most people never click beyond the first page of results (which only shows 10 web pages), meaning there will be little/no traffic for those ranking in positions 11+. Therefore, simply being indexed won’t necessarily bring organic traffic."

Make sure your website is indexed in Google

Voice search is picking up steam. You can now use your voice to search the web, play music, navigate home, order sushi or get the latest football results. f someone is more actively seeking something then it’s more likely they’ll search longer strings of words, meaning that you will target people who will be more willing to engage with your content. If you’re selling goods or services, then targeting long tail keyword can really make a big difference. Be careful not to focus too much on one single key phrase otherwise your site could grow repetitive, and earn a penalty. The length of your posts is also an important consideration. Back in the days of spammy-SEO, almost every post was 500 words long. Today, you’ll have the most success by writing posts that are longer and more in-depth. Imagine that your reader is going to sit down with a cup of tea and really dive deep into the subject – that’s the kind of experience that you should be delivering!