Dig through your customer communications to find additional, actively used keywords. Talk to your customer service people to find out what customers are asking about (in their words). Getting third parties to link their websites to yours is a critical part of SEO. Without inbound links, there is little to no chance of ranking for competitive terms in search engines such as Google, whose algorithm relies heavily on link measuring and weighting criteria. To prevent users from linking to one version of a URL and others linking to a different version (this could split the reputation of that content between the URLs), focus on using and referring to one URL in the structure and internal linking of your pages. If you do find that people are accessing the same content through multiple URLs, setting up a 301 redirect from non-preferred URLs to the dominant URL is a good solution for this. Keyword research is the practice of identifying which phrases are used on search engines when people are looking for information, and usually includes finding both the search volume and relative competitiveness of the terms.

Online marketing is not a monarchy

f you are familiar with Google’s algorithm, you are aware that it is predicated based off of backlinks. This is simply a hyperlink on an external website that links back to your website. Use internal links with clear and informative anchor text. If you have plans to be in business for more than five years, you need to invest in SEO. You likely won’t see an immediate impact, but it has the potential to be the best return on investment for your business. The most fundamental objective of any SEO project should be to drive the bottom line. For a business, this means delivering more revenue with favorable ROI.

Keep Outbound Links To Minimum

The driver of any heavy-duty link campaign is the quality and volume of your content. If your content is of average quality and covers the same information dozens of other sites have covered, it will not attract many links Meta descriptions are technically HTML attributes that offer concise explanations of what a webpage is about. They can be used on search engine result pages to show a preview for a webpage. They are far less of a direct ranking signal as they once were (almost not at all these days) BUT they remain important because – when Google chose to use the suggested meta description – they are the effective ‘sales pitch’ to users to click on your webpage. The internet today is overwhelmed with tons of DIY SEO tips and tricks. What might be even worse, there are countless case studies that show how great some particular tactic worked for a single website. SEO is about providing value, not tricking search engines into ranking you higher.

What is the one thing you can achieve that will drive the biggest impact on your blog?

Sitelinks have the benefit of distributing organic search traffic that would normally be concentrated on your homepage across other areas of your site. Even though Google search is not the be all and end all to business, having a site that ranks well for commonly searched for key terms helps greatly. Keywords are still a factor in content, but with the Hummingbird update in 2013, the way they are used, viewed, and searched has changed dramatically. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "Did you know that on average, 8 out of 10 people will read a headline, but only 2 out of 10 will check out your post? This is the first step when people decide to leave it or click it."

Mobile Search Implications

Craft some content ideas (focusing on competitive keywords) and get in touch with the editors or the person who's responsible for guest contributions. Ask them if they’re interested in your content ideas. Understanding what your customers and users want to learn and know is exactly how you should be developing your SEO strategy. In the earlier days of SEO, sending out press releases with keyword optimized anchor texts would get you a dozens of backlinks. In some fortunate cases, this would even make your site crawl to the top positions on SERPs. So, eventually Press releases became a tactic to build links and rank high. Sometimes you might spot a particularly juicy keyword when conducting your research. But just because a keyword has high volume, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a good one to rank for.