Make sure that your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting or use IIS redirect for Windows. Ideally make it so that the URLs describe your content. More and more we are seeing the use of keyword clustering from sites that are making it beyond the scope of mediocre search results and traffic margins. The navigation should help the user browse the pages without problems. From the menu structure to the link structure and the page’s design, even a slight detail may impact the user experience. Make sure you add responsive mobile URLs to your sitemap. Mobile friendly pages tend to rank higher for mobile search results, therefore inform the Search Engines which pages on your website is mobile friendly.

SEO can help you with your offline sales

A search engine results page (abbreviated to SERP) is the listing of results returned by a search engine in response to a query for a keyword or phrase. Search engines, like Google and Bing, will return many pages of content results for a given search term. Google is pretty good at understanding the general context of a site’s content. Don’t stuff content with keywords – it’s just awful to read. Yes, you’ll probably boost rankings for a short time, until Google blacklists you, and in the interim once you do get a potential customer on your site, they’ll click off within seconds. People buy from people – be natural, be engaging, be human. Content freshness matters. Keeping your content up to date helps search engines understand that your site is accurate today.

Get Your NAP Accurate & Consistent

Content "machines" used to develop content primarily for search engines in an automated manner could learn from basic copywriting best practices to actually make their content user-friendly and helpful. Webmasters used to do everything traditionally from on-page optimization to off-page optimization such as emailing fellow webmasters to exchange links. Technology and software development has made it much easier for SEO and positioning websites using search engine optimization tools. Reviews are an important factor for SEO. They help potential customers trying to decide whether to trust you. If your local business has a Google+ page and is marked on Google Maps, you need to have reviews. The best thing you can do is encourage your customers to leave reviews if they’re satisfied with your service. Try offering them an incentive, such as a small discount if they click on a link and leave a review. Google is making a real push to get to grips with any tactic they see as manipulating the rankings in a way that’s against their guidelines – from keyword cramming to paying for sponsored posts.

Relevance is the key issue

Meta descriptions don’t carry as much value as they used to, but they still have an important role for SEO. Each of your posts should have a unique title and meta description. Make sure all are unique and you don’t have any duplicate ones. Content marketing is now part of a successful SEO strategy. Google has refined what it considers good content in recent years. It it now almost impossible to get away with any gimmicky content-based tactics, such as high quantity content without quality and substance. Search engines prefer those who produced the best, most valuable content, spawning the adoption of content marketing among SEOs — and content is still king today. To prepare for voice search, you need to take a good look at your current content. Ask yourself, does it answer any question a user might have? If not, change it. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Blogging is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to improve search rankings. Not only does a blog easily enable you to add fresh, relevant content to a site that might otherwise remain static, but it also keeps your web visitors coming back to your site for more. "

Interlink your web pages

Get contextual links to your site that’ll boost your organic performance on search engines. Ongoing addition and modification of keywords and website con­tent are necessary to continually improve search engine rankings so growth doesn’t stall or decline from neglect. Is the page load time excessive? Too long a load time may slow down crawling and indexing of the site. Determining the unique content on a page is an important part of what the search engine does. It is this understanding of the unique content on a page that the search engine uses to determine the types of search queries for which the web page might be relevant.