Submitting a sitemap to search engines reflecting any updates will certainly aid your cause. According to Google, a sitemap is “ a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.” Don’t put off submitting your sitemap! Having a news section on your site is a really good idea. It gives you the opportunity to fit in lots of keywords and it means you are regularly updating your website (which the search engines look favourably on). Having a blog on your site is good for the same reasons; plus if you are focusing on specific keywords you can write a post around them. It’s not enough these days to create a website then sit back and wait for your customers to find it. As 80% of UK customers use Google to search on the internet, it’s vital that your site is optimised to meet Google’s search engine criteria. This is known as Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. Cloaking is a method which gives search engines the impression that a website carries content that is different to what users actually see:

Frequently Update Content/Blogs

URLs with words that are relevant to your site's content and structure are friendlier for visitors navigating your site. Visitors remember them better and might be more willing to link to them. The main heading of your page tells visitors, including search engines, what the page is about. Heading tags let us mark up what is a heading or sub-heading on the page, and we can use the h1 tag to show the primary header. Most CMSs do this automatically. You want people to subscribe to your blog by providing you an email address. You can then market to them with your newer blog posts, content offers or sales. Just make sure not to spam them; no one wants to receive an email every day pushing a purchase. As much as it's important to try out new things and experiment with SEO, one thing remains constant -- the importance of title and meta tags.

Why won’t people engage with my content?

People tend to avoid advertising if they can. Erudite search engine users know where ad are placed in the results page. They know that people have paid to show up in those positions. They are more likely to click on organic/natural/merit based search results. Paid search results are considered advertisers, whereas organic results are seen as trusted experts offering the best information relative to their search query. Good ways to boost readability include breaking up sub-topics within your content, using images and videos to help explain difficult concepts, and visually highlighting one or two quotable sound bites that illustrate key points. Links may very well become “democratized” as they become less representative of the overall sentiment of the online world. A very small percentage of internet users has ever published a link on a website or blog. When you or your SEO Company creates links – make them hefty and serious. They should actually be almost a pain to get, whether through outreach, guest posting, or by deliberating with someone in your network to include a link back to your site. These things, when worth something for real will either take… money, time, or effort. If they don’t, they aren’t worth it.

Use Social Bookmarking To Boost Page Rank

SEO and content marketing are, technically speaking, two very different beasts, and yet, they go together hand in hand. One relies on the other for success, and vice versa. When it comes to SEO, monitoring for keywords and changes in your website’s backlink profile is one of the most tedious tasks. Instead of Internet-based churn and burn we’ll be focusing on building equity in the Internet. So if you see some highly-paid SEO consultant telling you to use software and spun content to generate links, or when you see some blackhatter beating the system, just know that it’s not worth it. We’re going to build authority and get traffic fast, but we’re going to do it in a way that doesn’t disappear or cripple your site in the future. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "To offer the best possible results, search engines must attempt to discover all the public pages on the World Wide Web and then present the ones that best match up with the user’s search query."

Keyword mapping

For certain types of product and business, SEO sometimes won’t be as successful in generating a high ROI as Google’s paid-advertising platform, AdWords. There are literally hundreds of factors that could influence your rankings in search engines, and even more considerations to bear in mind when you factor in content marketing and conversion optimization. The sitemap tells search engines about all the pages on your site, even those that might not be easy to find. A sitemap is very helpful if your site is dynamic or if it has pages with images or rich AJAX that can be hard for bots to discover. It is also helpful for new sites with few links, or sites that have numerous pages not well linked. Sitemaps help search engines do a good job of reading your website and finding your site’s content. Local SEO is the process of optimising your online content and presence to make it easier for local consumers to find your business when searching for the services you offer.