Use your website to communicate your value proposition and your general marketing messages (known as “high-level messages”). If there is one page which should be optimized for generic keywords, it is your homepage. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the work involved to improve a website and promote it to increase visibility on search engines, which usually translates into an increase in organic visitor traffic relevant to your website. Additionally, it’s the application of using each search engine’s best practices to optimize a site and in doing so, keeping user experience first. Testing and tracking how a site is doing is a must. .It allows you to evaluate a site, see its strengths and analyse previously unforeseen opportunities. Each year more than 2.8 trillion search queries are made on Google alone. This means that Google answers more than 88,700 searches worldwide per second.i In other words: Every second that your website is not indexed on Google, you miss out on hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities in which someone might have accessed your website, viewed your content, and bought your product or services.

Get high quality backlinks from trusted sources

The way in which consumers search with be noticeably changed by digital assistants. Always keep the restrictions of the small screen in mind when creating or editing content. Don’t use too many long sentences, keep your paragraphs around four sentences and use many stops like lists and headings to break up your text. Increase visibility to new content you create by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content (both internally and from external sites). Internal page linking is an important part of on page SEO. These can be interpreted as binding your website together.

Offer tips that apply to specific geographic or demographic audiences

Make sure your title tag is 50-60 characters long, including spaces. Anything longer and Google may cut you short. The anchor text section clearly shows what text the links pointing to a website has. This is an opportunity to take a look and make sure that the website does not have a spammy anchor text profile. Incorporating relevance and trustworthiness into your link building strategy is an essential part of your ranking efforts. Google has become tremendously more sophisticated about the signals that it does consider when it comes to applying relevance of keywords to a particular site.

Do you understand the demographics of social media across networks?

Google learned that when people search for the term “SEO,” they were more likely to click on information over a list of services. So, eventually, the algorithm changed to incorporate this behavior, and now it delivers the types of results it believes the keyword is really asking for. Web pages must contain a minimum number of words, feature targeted keywords and highlight local modifiers to ensure they appear prominently in relevant, organic search results. SEO works by modifying elements on a website like the meta title and meta description of a page to ‘optimize’ it to get the most possible traffic. ‘Keyword targeting’ can determine which words you should be aiming for, and getting links from other high authority sites and creating relevant content on your web page and via articles on your site can shift your website up in search rankings over time. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "With the increase in powers of content, the journey for internet marketing people has taken a knifelike turn. Not so long ago it might be comparatively easy for a marketer to secure his business in top search engine results. "

Revise your old content and update it

Outbound, or external, links are links pointing outwards from your site to another website. They pass along some of your own site’s ranking power. Does the content add an enormous amount of value or is it thin and veiled in an attempt to merely rank for a keyword? Is the content unique? You can't skimp on quality. Not today. Relevance versus authority can be particularly challenging for beginner link builders as they begin the arduous process of securing links Technology is an important part of the user experience equation. In addition to providing audiences with helpful and informative content, you’ll want to make sure that your website is easy and enjoyable to browse. Make sure to optimize your website to be mobile friendly and to ensure that it has a quick load time.