Great content marketing is essentially the bait you put on the end of your hook to attract the fishes. And SEO, in this analogy, is the fishing rod. SEO and Content Marketing work together to not only reel in your audience, but also keep them revisiting your page and engaging with your website (all good stuff). Optimizing performance, however, is a continuous process. Your site will never be fast enough because there’s always more to improve. So you want your site to be among those most relevant for the keywords relevant to your business. Ideally you want to be towards the top of the first page of the search results as people do not often look further than that. You don't want to just attract people to your site, you want them to take the next steps towards becoming a customer. Your website needs to be compelling and be set up for maximum conversions.

You should be making a concerted effort to keep up with backlink analysis

How do you educate people so they do value it? Even though keyword research is the first and most important step in your SEO strategy, there are a few corners to cut. Using tools to make a long list of potential keywords is a great way to speed up your keyword research. A URL is more important than you may think it is. Your website’s URL structure is like a math formula — when followed properly it will give you the right answer. Having a different description meta tag for each page helps both users and Google, especially in searches where users may bring up multiple pages on your domain (e.g. searches using the site: operator).

Start mapping your SEO needs to pages

A DoFollow link is a link which passes on “link juice” to the website it’s linking to, which is essentially a vote or point to the linking site. The alternative is a NoFollow link, which passes no link juice and does not help you rank. Trends adjusts search data to make comparisons between terms easier. Each data point is divided by the total searches of the geography and time range it represents, to compare relative popularity. The most fundamental objective of any SEO project should be to drive the bottom line. For a business, this means delivering more revenue with favorable ROI. The readability of your content has to do with the simplicity of its language, the lack of grammatical or syntactical errors, and the sentence structure. Online readability tests allow you to learn the “reading age” someone needs to understand your content.

How does web design and development affect marketing?

Make sure all the links are no follow if you are being paid by a third party to publish a post on your blog. The backlinks which are paid are punished by Google. It applies for both, the page giving it and the one receiving it. Mobile SEO is a challenge for digital marketers. The screen being small and of low resolution hinders searches from scrolling down to the bottom of a page, let alone be going to the next page. Make sure you add responsive mobile URLs to your sitemap. Mobile friendly pages tend to rank higher for mobile search results, therefore inform the Search Engines which pages on your website is mobile friendly. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Take an aspect of your niche that people find difficult and create the most comprehensive tutorial there is on the subject."

Industry Content Analysis

SEO is a great way to put your hands up in the air and tell potential customers that your business exists and has a web presence among the thousands of competing pages and the competitor businesses behind them. In addition to the actual text on your web pages, search engines also examine their structure, the use of keywords in your URLs, the formatting of the page (such as the use of bold font), and which keywords appear in the title and in the body of the text. Websites that are popular and have a lot of links shared on social media tend to perform well on the search engines. These sharing signals are picked up by the search engines which look at the links being shared to help assess the popularity of a webpage and whether it is authoritative. Once you have someone click on your site, usability becomes your most vital factor. Better user experience is essential for moving up in the search rankings. Your content should be quickly found by website visitors from organic search. Average time spent on your site is also a major ranking determinant.To achieve these goals make sure that your site is mobile friendly.