Today, queries don’t just return a list of ten blue, ordered links. They return
results with images, videos, profile pictures, and all manner of meta data
that help searchers choose the best result. The images that you upload to a webpage also have an impact on SEO. It’s important that your files have relevant titles, relevant Alternative Text and aren’t so big that they slow down the site. Ranking high on search engines relies on a variety of different factors, including the quality of the content you write. As you use content to deliver keywords and reach audiences, you’ll rank higher in search engines and increase authority with your site visitors. Which articles and posts get the most clicks? Not surprisingly, posts containing countdowns and Top 10 lists are heavily clicked. Not only do they get an enormous wave of traffic when first launched, but they’ll continue to attract traffic for months and even years later.
Optimize Your Site Page Around One Keyword or Topic
Adding links and information to a forum signature, for example, is a good way to quickly spread awareness about your website, especially if you post often on a specific forum. Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) • is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine’s “natural” or “organic” (not paid for) search results. Whether it is writing the most useful article about a certain topic, or ensuring that your eCommerce system is easy to use, it is important to make sure site visitors have a positive experience, because only then will they stick around. Search engines are powerful because they provide targeted traffic. Or in other words, search engines bring users that are seeking what you offer or sell. Targeted website traffic provides revenue and exposure like no other channel of marketing. Investing in SEO can have a much higher rate of return when compared to other types of marketing efforts.
70% of clicks on search engine results pages are on organic results
Once visitors are on your site, an important goal is to keep them on your site. You don’t want your visitors immediately bouncing back to Google once they have read something on your site. Site speed is
an essential element of any campaign and for good reasons. You’ve also got to prioritize index and site structure when reviewing your technical SEO – obvious choices but absolutely paramount. Remember, it takes 20 years to build a reputation and only five minutes to ruin it. One common SEO issue that can be tackled is duplicate content. This is when there is more than one way to reach the same content on your site.
URL Structure Should Be Short, Descriptive and Help to Categorize Your Website
SEO-friendly content writing is not just about pandering to your audience with content that is splattered with keywords. Choosing a keyword-friendly domain name is crucial to the success of your SEO campaign. Search engines will index a domain name that is also part of the page title and website description faster than a domain name that bears no relation to the title of the site or content on the site. Your online competitors may not be who you think! By taking a broad look at your sector from an online perspective will help uncover potential opportunities that you are missing out on. Gaz Hall, a
Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "There was a time when SEO worked because a lot of big companies didn’t understand how important it really was. That opened up a lot of opportunities for smaller companies to make quick advances up the rankings."
How are you supposed to audit your site structure
CTR gives some insight into how likely potential visitors are to actually click on your site in the SERPs. Search engine optimization
(SEO) plays a crucial role in bringing in more traffic to every site. Content marketing has always been crucial but it is no longer enough to research several industry keywords, place them on your blog and rely on affiliate network to post links back to your site. Google is increasingly understanding what content actually means, rather than just what it says You should not try to‘trick’ Google.