Google now indexes content from Facebook, Twitter and presumably more social media platforms to come. If your timing and relevance is right, your post could directly show up in search results. Always remember your competition is working towards getting itself ranked on the first position. SEM is a continuous process: it’s not a onetime thing. Keep doing it and see yourself ranked on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page (SERPs) of Search Engines. Use your keywords in the meta-tags, web page title, sub-headers and web content. Make your web content unique. A keyword density of 1-3% and word count of more than 400 words is ideal for on-page optimization. Create a sitemap page to make search engines spiders love your web pages. This helps in indexing the internal pages fast. Incorporating relevance and trustworthiness into your link building strategy is an essential part of your ranking efforts.

Looking at Competitors’ Authority and Trust

Look for pages that have excessive links. Google advises 100 per page as a maximum, although it is OK to increase that on more important and heavily linked-to pages. The type of traffic we want to build is the type that will compound and will never go away. We want to create traffic today that will still give us a little trickle in five years. Combining hundreds (or thousands) of little trickles, our site that converts, and a great product we will create a giant river. The higher quality your content, the more beneficial your shared information, and the better your reputation increases the chances that you will be mentioned throughout a variety of platforms. Google has stated on the record that page loading speed is an SEO ranking signal. You can boost your site speed by using a CDN, compressing images, and switching to faster hosting.

Make sure you have a responsive design

There's a lot of misinformation online when it comes to SEO. It seems that over the past few years, everyone has become an 'SEO expert'. Great images compliment great website copy, and since millions of people search for images online, they play an important role in your on-page SEO. Similar to title tags, using customized image tags will help describe the subject of an image. Don’t duplicate title tags across your website, as this can negatively impact your visibility Most of your link authority is on your homepage, right? So, it makes sense that the more clicks away from your homepage a product page gets, the less authority it has.

Broken Links are becoming the content is king of link-building methods

So if a consumer hears a message somewhere and then decides to search on Bing to get more information, many times the advertiser isn’t present, and that consumer ends up taking a different path than what the advertiser would have desired. Paid links are another no-no, whether another site linking to yours, or on your site linking to another site (except for banner ads and ad networks like AdSense). The search industry is constantly innovating, and it might seem overwhelming for marketers with limited time and resources to try and keep on top of developments. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Anchor text of external links affects ranking. Links with SEO focused anchor text needs to be relevant to the target page."

Great images compliment great website copy

What used to be a handful of on-page, off-page, and architecture factors has evolved into hundreds of signaling attributes fed through a complex algorithm that is constantly being refined and learning from your behavior. To increase your CTR, create a custom description that describes what your page is about and what the reader can expect to get out of visiting your page. You also want to include your target keyword. Think about the searcher’s intent when crafting this description. Google defines duplicate content as large blocks of text used across multiple pages, or even other websites, that are exactly the same or very similar. Simply put, you don’t want to use large blocks of the same text on more than one page of your website. The only way to reliably build links is to create amazing content, but the standard for 'amazing content' gets higher and higher every year.